Transitions at HEPS

Kinder – Foundation

The transition between Kindergarten/Childcare to Primary school is an exciting milestone for many children and parents. At HEPS our program aims to familiarise children and families with our school’s facilities, meet the foundation teacher whilst experiencing the environment and structure of a foundation classroom through fun and engaging learning activities. The program typically runs over a few weeks in Term 4, the previous year to the child starting school. It has been proven in previous years to be a huge success, preparing our students for many years of learning.

Year 6 to Year 7 Transition

Year 6 students at HEPs participate in a transition program to ensure a smooth transition and readiness for Secondary education.

Our program consists of:

  • The co-ordination of Secondary School applications
  • Class and level discussions and transitional activities
  • Following the enrolment process and current procedures as detailed by the Department of Education and Training
  • Provide time for transition co-ordinators from both government and non-government secondary colleges to meet with their future students and their Year 6 teachers
  • Complete relevant documentation of student information for future secondary schools
  • Provide information about secondary school information nights and visits to parents / carers
  • Provide opportunities for students to visit their future secondary school.

School zones hosts the most up-to-date information about Victorian school zones for 2020 onwards.

Information on this site is updated in Term 1 each year, ready for the Year 6 to 7 transition period.

If you have a question about school zone,s call the VSBA Hotline on 1800 896 950 or email

Final placement into a government school is in accordance with the guidelines of each individual college and the Department guidelines. Parents who are planning to send their children to private schools need to follow the process specific to that school but still need to complete the form that is sent home from our school.

If you have any questions or concerns about the process of transition to secondary school or selecting a school please speak with your classroom teacher or our Principal, Anita Elliott.

Timeline for Government Schools


Parent Letter, secondary education information, and Application for enrolment form distributed to parents of Year 6 students


Return completed Application for Enrolment forms to Heathmont East Primary School


Written confirmation regarding secondary school placement sent to parents


Orientation Day: Year 6 students attend their chosen government secondary college

Whole School Transition

At HEPS we believe for students to succeed every child needs to feel safe, happy and confident within themselves. To ensure students feel secure when transitioning from year to year we run a transition program where in Term 4 students participate in various transitioning sessions. During these sessions students meet new teachers, familiarise themselves with the new learning areas of the school and participate in engaging learning activities with different students. The final session being a meet the teacher and class for the following year. This program aims to build confidence within our students to aid in the transition of a new school year.