School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS)
SWPBS provides a framework to promote positive behaviour for all students, staff and the wider school community.
The SWPBS approach at HEPS is underpinned by our school values.
Respect for self, others, and property
Working collaboratively and effectively with others to achieve our best
Flourishing in the face of everyday and challenging situations
Recognising and celebrating social, emotional and academic growth
These values are explicitly taught and acknowledged to reinforce expected school behaviours, including interactions with each other.
SWPBS encompasses a range of supports, programs and opportunities for students to engage in their learning while continuing to build their own social and emotional literacy. Positive Education and Respectful Relationship are the major approaches that guide our learning, with a range of programs and services that provide further support for students and our community.
At HEPS we have an emphasis on Positive Education through the PERMAH model to support our individuals and community to flourish. Through the explicit teaching and learning of personal attributes, Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishment and Health (PERMAH), alongside valuing each individual’s character strengths.
The Respectful Relationships program is also used to develop a greater awareness for self and the impact our choices and actions have on others. Students develop a greater understanding of self, their relationships and strategies that help to build new connections based on respect and safety. An SWPBS team of student leaders, parents, teachers and school leadership meet regularly to identify areas for growth and opportunity within our school. They work together to discuss and develop new ideas and initiatives that support our community to engage and flourish in all areas of our learning and wellbeing.